What is my Soul’s Mission?

I think about this quite often, actually. Holding this at the beginning of each day has enabled me to redirect and align myself more and more towards what that is and looks like for me.

What I’ve gained so much clarity on is that my mission is to help raise the overarching vibrational frequency of humanity by guiding others towards healing their connection to themselves.

What I’ve realized is that the reason why there is so much madness going on in the collective world at this point in time, and what feels like has been worsening and worsening, is because there are so many people that are lost and disconnected from who they are;

And when you have millions of people so disconnected, then they also have no idea what their soul’s reason for coming to earth was to begin with.

We may think at first, “oh that’s a bunch of mumbo jumbo,” but for those of you who feel a deep inner sense of yearning to do something greater within your lifetime, then believe that is true. It’s just a matter of being able to explore and redefine what that looks like to you.

On top of that, because so many people are hurting and have acquired so many beliefs about themselves that they forget what that was to ever begin with.

I realized this because for so long I had always felt so connected to my own purpose since I was just 16 years old, but did not have the ever-growing clarity that I have in this present moment in time had I not begun to challenge the old lens and paradigms of perspectives I had been conditioned to believe myself.

I recognize how challenging and difficult this process was, which is why I am here to share my own story in the hopes that this may help others reconnect and reawaken their connections back to themselves and their soul’s purpose.

And it is also to remind us all to be gentle when it comes to “healing” ourselves; because healing holds the intention that we are trying to fix something that is broken, when instead healing is actually a process of always returning back to who we are at our core.


The Problem with Today


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