What does an Integrative Health Optimization Coach do?

“What I do and what I am about: my mission, what it entails, how it is different from what is out there” 

Hi, I’m Dr. Angelica, and I’m an Integrative Health Optimization Coach.

What in the world do you do, exactly?

What I do is provide everyone I get the opportunity of working with a safe space and container where they are free to truly express themselves in the utmost non-judgmental, loving, and caring space. 

Through this experience, clients are met with a relaxed, parasympathetic state where they are then invited to explore ways of how they can work towards achieving optimal health across various dimensions of their lives. 

The difference between me, and any physical therapist, life coach, personal trainer, nutrition coach, mental health coach, stress resilience coach and support system you have ever had – is that I am here as one sole practitioner and coach to support you through it all. 

Why would I ever want to just have one practitioner? I like having a whole tribe of care team members. 

Imagine your well-being as a complex, interconnected puzzle. In the conventional healthcare system, each piece of this puzzle is handled by different specialists, and you're responsible for making sure they all fit together. It's like trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces and no guiding image. 

Hence why having one sole practitioner who takes over various roles in your health and well-being journey at the highest level ensures seamless coordination, personalized guidance, and a holistic approach, fostering a strong, trusting relationship that promotes comprehensive and integrated self-improvement always tailored to your overarching goals focused on optimizing your entire well-being. 

The reason why I am so passionate about being this integrative health coach is because I recognize that all these realms of health are interconnected. 

To treat the body without the mind, or

To treat the mind without the body –

Are both forms of negligence.

I believe that the missing gap when addressing all chronic health conditions is the lack of understanding over the strong interconnection, or lack thereof, of the mind-body-soul. 

And this is why the current western healthcare paradigm that is supposed to serve us, is failing us. 

The hyper-siloed spaces within Western medicine only continue to grow more and more complex, dividing further into more types of specialists without any sense of foresight over what the true root causes of their patients’ ailments are.

I believe that the new-age of medicine requires the true recognition, acknowledgment, and tailored treatment of this strong interconnection between the mind-body-soul. 

We can no longer continue providing reactive care to the world around us, merely only treating and managing symptoms over long-periods of time with an astounding number of pills and unwarranted operations. 

That is why, after over 10 years of learning so much about the human body, the human mind, as well as the inhabited soul that is us at our very core, I have made it my life’s mission to redefine the boundaries of what we know about health and healing. 

My plan is to reinvent the ultimate experience of what it means to be healthy,

What it means to heal,

What it means to be able to take care of ourselves, and above all, 

What it means to be and feel cared for.

This involves really bridging the gap between convention and complementary medicine practices, as well as focusing on providing comprehensive and compassionate approaches to addressing the unique health needs of the people around me. 

Instead of receiving fragmented care across the myriad of coaches and therapists you are stretched thin working with, I am here to support you by providing a much more comprehensive and integrated approach to your overall well-being. This care includes the following, and so much more:

  • Goal-Oriented Optimization Physical Therapy where I take you not only out of pain, but through a custom-tailored program based on any of your functional and recreational goals you never thought were possible. 

  • Integrative Nutrition Coaching where I’m not just telling you to eat a salad and an arbitrary amount of protein; but instead take a comprehensive assessment of the state of your overarching health to support not only your weight management goals, but the longevity and overall quality of your life.

  • Unparalleled Mental and Emotional Support to help guide you through understanding how not only your build mental and stress resilience, but also how to improve your emotional awareness and granularity, along with how to make peace with any existing subconscious self-limiting belief patterns, traumas, and/or things that no longer serve you but just can’t seem to release. 

  • Spiritual and Personal Development Coaching discussing how to grow into the Highest version of yourself, step into the person you had always known you were capable of becoming, and how to create and execute the visions you always had with very easy to follow action steps created and collaborated upon between you and me. 

  • 1-on-1 Accountability Coaching Weekly Consider not only your doctor, your physical therapist, your personal trainer, your nutrition coach, your mental and emotional coach, but above all your biggest cheerleader. We will meet 1-on-1 for 60- or 75- minute sessions weekly over the course of 12 weeks until you uplevel to the next transition of your life. 

The overarching goal of my unique offerings as a coach is to empower you on how you can achieve true, holistic well-being and a state of optimal health across various dimensions of their lives. This comprehensive, or integrative, approach aims to address physical, mental, emotional, nutritional, and spiritual aspects of well-being while considering goals you never thought were possible. 

I believe that true healing extends far beyond only symptom relief. My job is to work with you and support you towards facilitating profound and long-lasting shifts that enable you to thrive in all domains of your well-being.


What is my Soul’s Mission?


A New Lens on a Failing Paradigm: What Western Medicine’s Narrowed Perspective on Healing Has Done to Our Society, and How We Change that for Future Generations