The 3-Ingredient Recipe to Co-Creating the Life of Your Dreams

  1. Embodying the version of ourselves that already HAS everything we had ever wanted.

It’s crazy to think about, but whatever visions and dreams we’ve had aren’t just random. The glimpses we see in others living out versions of reality we aspire for ourselves is because we are already living that reality in a different timeline.

2. Radical honesty.

This also means getting uberly honest with ourselves, our lifestyles, and what we’re prioritizing/not prioritizing in our current realities that aren’t aligned with that version of ourseves. Tacking away one by one, until we’ve fully embodied that version of ourselves. Because in that journey we inevitably begin to adopt that very reality we’ve always envisioned.

3. Gratitude for our current lived experience is the currency of the Universe.

A kind reminder to myself and to us all, that the Universe will not bestow anything more upon us if we cannot learn how to truly be grateful for what has already been given to us in this present moment in time.

So, instead of saying, “I only made xx dollars this month,” shift the narrative to “wow, I made xx dollars this month!” And the difference is not just saying it, but ACTUALLY feeling the depth of gratitude in your heart and very being.

When you learn to practice these three things daily, and commit to the divine hits and micro actions that your gut/intuition is telling you to do, your success is inevitable.


The Parts of Quantum Leaping No One Talks About


A lesson I would share with my younger Self