Dr. A’s Unfiltered Sunday Service: Part I

Common themes and patterns that came up for me this past week:

  1. The importance of being the safest, most regulated person in the room; especially when it comes to holding space for my patients or those around me.

    1. This frees you from the constant chase of feeling like you need to learn something new, study up on something, be something you consider is “better and more” than who you are in this current moment in time. Trust that who you are, what you know, and your mere heart’s intention is more than enough. YOU in your purest essence is more than enough.

  2. The two biggest banes of existence to mankind are:

    1. The incessant need to fit in, to be accepted, to be validated and/or approved by others

      1. Understand that what other people’s perceptions are of you is NONE of your business! The faster you can ultimately release the constant chase of acting in approval of others, the faster you can actually move into your living your life on your terms.

    2. The need for control over the outcome(s) over given situations in our lives.

      1. Also, the faster we are able to fully trust and surrender what we think is to come of our lives to the bigger picture, the more we can move into an even more expansive reality beyond our wildest imaginations

  3. The key to getting after what we want, our visions, dreams, etc is this simple, yet not so simple recipe of:

    1. Connecting and visualizing our next level self, and really embodying the feelings, energy, and emotions of yourself in that state

    2. Meet the present moment not resentful that you’re not where you want to be yet, but meet it with 10x more gratitude, humility, and compassion than you ever could.

    3. Taking intentional, inspired, radical, and consistent action daily.

  4. Being able to answer, what do I really want? At the end of the day, when you already have all the money in the world, what would you want to be doing with your life? with your time? spending it with who, doing what? And yes, we all have an altruistic calling to do something bigger and for others, but what is your unapologetic heart’s desire?

  5. Cut the calendar clutter.

    1. Recognize and really hold true to the intentions of the following:

      1. What you say yes to, is also saying no to either something else, or mostly yourself.

      2. The power of saying no, without explanation, will get you so far in life. Learn how to do it.

  6. Cut the decision clutter.

    1. How? Trust your gut’s decision immediately, and deal with the consequences later. All that matters is you are deciding and taking action.

  7. Surrounding yourself with people who believe in you, like genuinely believe in you and your wildest dreams; people who don’t flinch when you share something that would typically seem so outrageously delulu or outlandish and say, um, DUH of course you are going to do that; if not are already!”

    1. But also on the same token, surround yourself with people who are not afraid to challenge you and tell you what you can do better, how you can improve, and learn not to run away from it, but to lean the fuck into it and really use that feedback to help you cut the learning curve of growth. That is your greatest advantage.

  8. Make mistakes as early and often as you can.

    1. What is a good analogy for this? I honestly forgot what or where I heard this from, but with where you’re currently at in your life, how early on in your career you are at, in your business, don’t be afraid to fall! Don’t be afraid to post the content, use it as experimentation grounds, not as something to run away from.

  9. As you elevate, so does your circle. and your time is not in a vaccum.

    1. Your altruistic, constant desire to be so serving of others is admirable, but like, what is it that you ultimately want for yourself after all of this?

  10. Learning to create for different reasons, and making space for each one of those.

These are all developing ideas, but I feel like at least are takeaways and lessons I feel like I’m learning along this journey that I want to make space for in the event anyone reading these could take something away from.

Honestly, I’m in a phase in my life where I’m learning how to simply create balance between giving myself time to create to my heart’s fullest expression, while also learning that it doesn’t have to be perfect. There’s so much in me that wants to just throw this into the drafts again and be ambitious that I’ll actually get around editing these one of these days, but truthfully that’s not going to happen.

So here’s to my first ever unfiltered, unedited, raw Sunday Service posts. Where I bring to you lessons that I’m personally going through in real time, to shed light on wherever anyone else may be along their own journeys.

Always sending you love and light,



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