Integrative Physical Therapist in Los Angeles, CA.
Empowering you to become the best version of yourself.

Integrative Physical Therapist

My name is Dr. Angelica Alberto and I am an Integrative Physical Therapist.

I combine evidence-based physical therapy practices with eastern medicine philosophies. I take a customized, whole-person approach that focuses on addressing the root causes of your symptoms, empowering you to feel your best in every aspect of your life.

My patients often struggle with:

  • Chronic pain (pain lasting for more than four weeks)

  • Musculoskeletal issues (bones, joints, ligaments, muscle)

  • Fatigue (prolonged dips in energy and chronic tiredness)

  • Tension headaches (related to muscle imbalances and weakness)

  • Complications from injuries (weakness, range of motion issues, pain spreading to other areas)

  • Nutritional imbalances (inadequate macro- and micro-nutrients, irregular eating patterns, metabolic issues)

  • Nervous system dysfunction due to high stress (anxiety, muscle tensions, emotionally reactivity)

  • Hitting plateau (basic health needs are met but want to advance to the next level of optimization)

I give my patients the tools, guidance and help to address the root causes of their symptoms. I believe that when people have a safe space to be heard, seen and supported, they can develop the confidence and agency to maintain long-lasting health.

Together, we’ll move beyond temporary fixes and create a sustainable path to optimal health.

My Services

Let’s Work Together!


“I believe that everyone has it within them to become the highest, most empowered and healed version of themselves with the proper guidance, knowledge, and support.”

— Dr. Angelica Alberto, DPT, MPH